Menstrual Cycle Awareness & Coaching

What is

Menstrual Cycle Awareness?

Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA) is a practice of embodied cyclical living. It is a means to know yourself more deeply and to work with the natural rhythms of your body instead of pushing against them as you move through the cycles of your life, both large and small.

Your menstrual cycle is SO much more than just having your period!

There are four distinct, predictable phases in each cycle, governed by predictable hormonal fluctuations, with your period at one end of the cycle and ovulation at the opposite end. These four phases are the Menstrual Phase, the Pre-Ovulatory Phase, the Ovulatory Phase, and the Premenstrual Phase.

Learning your own patterns as you move through these phases each month leads you to a deeper understanding of yourself. It also gives you context and tools to address any challenges or take advantage of any high points in your cycle. If we’re not paying attention, it can just seem like a random, chaotic mess of emotions and symptoms. After you learn how to chart your cycle, and what to track as you do so, it all starts falling into place…


benefits of

Menstrual Cycle Awareness

Charting your cycle allows you to become familiar with your own unique patterns as you move through the four phases of your cycle. You learn where you are more vulnerable and need to up your self-care game. You learn where you feel more capable and can start to turn these times of renewal and increased energy to your advantage.

You learn to predict when your period will arrive by tracking your ovulation. You learn to plan ahead so that you’re not taken by surprise by a sudden change in mood, libido, or energy.

The simple act of paying attention to and aligning yourself with your inner seasons, as Alexandra Pope of The Red School calls them, can in and of itself help regulate your cycle. MCA provides you with a framework from which to address any underlying health issues that may be manifesting as unpleasant or even debilitating symptoms of your menstrual cycle.

What brings you here?

We aren’t taught to pay attention to the subtle, yet profound changes that occur within us throughout each month.
As menstruators, we are taught to be ashamed of our period and hide it from others at all costs.

This leads us to feeling disconnected from ourselves and teaches us that something is wrong with us when we can’t live up to our society’s expectations. We feel that we are at the mercy of our seemingly random changes in mood, energy, appetite, libido, motivation, creativity, and self-image. We are exhausted by the effort of existing as cyclical beings in a linear culture.

Do you feel disconnected
from yourself or your body?

Do you feel burnt out,
exhausted, or discouraged
from all the striving?

Do you have PMS, or other menstrual cycle symptoms that
you don’t know how to heal?

Are you frustrated with your fitness program because you’re not making progress, or you can’t hold yourself to a regular routine?

Do you feel like you’re at the mercy of seemingly random changes in mood, energy, appetite, libido, motivation, creativity, or self-image?

Do you feel like society wants you to GO GO GO, but you can’t make your body do this? Do you beat yourself up about this?

You are not alone. You are welcome here.

Your menstrual cycle is…

A compass for your life

We live in a culture obsessed with productivity, positivity, and progress. It is a linear, patriarchal society where the natural ebb and flow of the menstrual cycle is shamed and pathologized. The menstrual cycle provides a cyclical framework to guide your life, leaving room for activity and rest, light and dark emotions, growth and decay, inhale and exhale. In short, it gives us a framework through which to experience and understand the innate polarity of life, the real human experience.

A barometer for your overall health

Symptoms that show up in your menstrual cycle can be signs of underlying imbalances in your system as a whole. Our cycles tell us when we are out of balance, giving us opportunities to heal and restore our wellbeing.

The Body Sense

Period Revolution

My mission at Body Sense is to break down the taboo around menstruation and to reframe it as an essential compass, guiding us to better mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and sexual health. 

When you come into alignment with your inner seasons, your life will open up in ways you never imagined possible:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your fluctuations in mood, energy, appetite, libido, creativity, motivation, self-image, sense of belonging, and meaning in life. 

  • Foster a deeper connection with yourself and with the cycles of our natural world.

  • Learn to navigate the lows of your cycle and take advantage of the highs. 

  • Foster deeper relationships with your partner(s), friends and family.

Menstrual Cycle Coaching is for you if you want to learn to embody a new or deeper relationship with your cycle.

Let’s celebrate the natural cycles of our world, inside and outside of ourselves.

Let’s flow with life instead of constantly striving and pushing against it.

3 Month Coaching Program includes

5 x 1:1 coaching Sessions

Each coaching session will be 90 minutes long.
The timing of the sessions depends on each individual’s needs. Sometimes having one session in each phase of your cycle for the first cycle is useful. Sometimes it’s better for people if these sessions are more spread out.
We will discuss options when you register your interest.


Every cycle coaching program is catered to meet each individual’s needs. There are key foundational themes that we will cover, but the order and emphasis will be different for everyone. These themes include:

  • Cycle charting. We will choose a method of daily charting or observation that works best for you.

  • The five pillars of a healthy menstrual ecosystem. Whole foods and nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress management, and movement and exercise.

  • Cyclic frameworks. We will determine which framework(s) resonate(s) with you, and teach you to work with this framework: Seasons, elements, archetypes, etc.

  • Self care strategies that match each phase of your cycle.

  • Inner critic work. Where your critic belongs in your cycle and how to work with this self talk in a productive, healthy way.

  • Rituals and practices that align with you and your life, and that connect you to your authentic cyclical self.

  • Balancing the whole cycle. A deep look at the relationships between the different phases of your cycle and how they affect your experience of each phase, and your cycle as a whole.


Unlimited Voxer and
email support throughout
the program.


Charting resources,
handouts, guides, rituals,
and other coaching materials, Zoom recordings of 1:1 calls.

Warm welcome
& Support

A delicious and nourishing care
package and my commitment to supporting you in every way I can.

Your investment

One time payment of $900 (10% discount)
monthly installments of $333/month for three months


“The difference Vida’s menstrual cycle coaching has made for me is so beyond words I struggle to explain it. My goal when we started our three months together was to learn the language my body used to speak to me, the language she used to share her wisdom. What I have learned to hear with Vida’s help has completely changed everything. I feel now like I’ve seen the beauty of my first sunset, and like a curious child I’m waiting for the next, and the next, and the next...

10O% the very best investment I have ever made in myself. My family and I will forever be grateful to you, Vida.”

— Jenn


What Makes Me
the Coach for you?

I am a seeker and I’m tenacious in my commitment to supporting my clients through their self-discovery. My role is to hold space for your own discovery and help guide you into a deeper relationship with your cycle.

  • I strongly believe that our menstrual cycles hold so much valuable information about ourselves and that nourishing this relationship can have enormously positive impacts on our lives.

  • Nobody on this planet knows you better than yourself. You are the expert here since we are talking about your experiences and your relationship with your body and your menstrual cycle.

  • I am an advocate for your highest self and your highest wellbeing, and I will be forthright in this advocacy. 

  • I am an intuitive and empathic coach, so no two sessions will be the same. We will do a cycle check-in at the beginning of every session. This helps me to guide each session to suit your present moment needs.

Menstrual Cycle Awareness is for anyone who has a menstrual cycle.

I believe that this work can empower anyone with a menstrual cycle.

The ways we experience our cycles are completely individual to each of us.

For some people, their cycles are a profound link to their feminine energy. For others, their cycles aren’t related to their gender identity, and can even be in conflict with their gender. 

I welcome anyone with a menstrual cycle to join me in this work.

Whatever your relationship with your cycle, it can only benefit from more awareness.

Your experience of your cycle trumps anything anyone else says about your cycle. Let’s dive in to find your own unique connection to your cyclical internal world. Let’s turn the lights up on your own experience and find ways to care for yourself in a manner that aligns with your cyclical experience.

You’re my soul client if…


✓ You’re committed to taking a deep dive into your cycle.

✓ You’ll be honest with yourself and with me throughout the process.

✓ You’re coachable, and you’ll do the work. You follow through on the commitments you make.

✓ You take responsibility for caring for yourself.

✓ You’re open to new ideas, experiences and exercises.

✓ You care deeply about the potential that this work holds for you.

✓ You’re curious and you understand that this is not a one-size-fits-all journey. 

✓ You value investing time and energy in your personal growth.

Your questions answered

  • Yes! Depending on the type of hormonal birth control you are using, you may still have a cycle. If you do not have a natural menstrual cycle, you can borrow the cycles of the moon to guide you as you practice cyclical living.

  • This depends on a lot of different factors. It depends on where you are starting this journey from, how sensitive your system is to changes you make in your lifestyle, and your mental, emotional and physical states of being. The more you carry this awareness and practice into your daily life, the more impact it will make. If you are looking for a quick fix, this program isn’t for you.

  • Yes! We will start where you’re at. If you don’t yet know how to track your cycle, you can attend one of my Track Your Cycle workshops, or we can cover this in our first session together.

  • Practicing Menstrual Cycle Awareness doesn’t mean you have to love your period. There are a lot of extremely challenging things about being a menstruator. You are living as a cyclical being in a linear culture where period shame is rampant. You might have extremely painful periods or other debilitating PMS symptoms. My job is not to make you like your cycle. My job is to guide you into better relationship with your cycle and to learn to take advantage of its high points and mitigate its lows. Coming into alignment with yourself can only improve your wellbeing.

Embody a new relationship with your cycle


work with me